A2 Final Production Frankie Pearl - Dog Days Are Over


Final Digipak

Final Album Promotional Poster

Final Album Promotional Poster
Media Evaluation, Question 4

Wednesday, 23 June 2010

Rock Genre

"Rock Music" is a genre that came into our mainstream in the late 1950s.

"The sound of rock often revolves around the electric guitar, a back beat laid down by a rhythm section of electric bass guitar, drums, and keyboard instruments such as Hammond organ, piano, or, since the 1970s, synthesizers. "

Elvis Presley was one of the first Rock (and Roll) artists.
However, nowadays rock is more electric guitars with drums and a heavy bass beat. Not so much rock "and roll" and more.

Lost Prophets - Last Train Home

This video combines both performance and a storyline into one. The editing is slick on the beat so that even though both of these are happening in parallel editing it all ties in together. Each part of the music video has a different tempo, meaning that the part with the "storyline" is slower, whereas when LostProphets are performing it's more aggressive and fast paced.
Because the music video includes both aspects of performance and a storyline there needs to be a clear cut and difference between them. We see the story of a couple in a sepia tone, perhaps as a memory? whereas the performance is in black and white, representing anger and loneliness? Rock music is often quite angry.
I like these types of videos because of the interesting camera angles and the beat gives a clear cut to edit at. Also using simple differences like lighting or video effects can create a dramatic change and help the audience understand.

Tuesday, 22 June 2010

Katy Perry - California Gurls

This video is fitted perfectly to the beat of the song, "California Gurls" - Katy Perry feat Snoop Dog which I think is the main thing which makes a music video. Even quick shots of Katy Perry's facial expressions are fitted exactly to the beat. I don't really like the style of this video, because I, personally like music videos that tell a story. However with this type of music it is hard to do that seeing as there isn't much of a story, but what does tie the music video in and excuses the absence of a storyline is the cake and sweet theme, it all ties in very well and gives the music video something to be remembered by.
For now I can not find an embed code for the music video so here is the URL code to t
he video;

Here is a screen shot of the theme of sweets and cakes and sugar..

Diva Magazine

Saturday, 19 June 2010

Diva Magazine

Diva Magazine advertises itself as a ''Lesbian Bisexual Lifestyle'' magazine.
From looking through the magazine I can see no music advertisements at all. There is one DVD/Film advertisement and this is for a film featuring lesbians called ''All Over Me'' and advertised because of the main lesbian stars.
This shows me that we have to keep in mind where we could advertise our music. We need to keep in mind the genre of the magazine and audience who will buy and read the magazine.

Friday, 18 June 2010

Today I had my first lesson of A Level Media. We were introduced to music videos and asked what type of messages certain videos were conveying.

First Blog

This is my first A2 Media blog.