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Media Evaluation, Question 4

Tuesday, 21 September 2010

Genre Research

Genre is a critical tool that helps us study texts and audience responses to texts by dividing them into categories based on common elements.

Daniel Chandler ( 2001) - The word genre comes from the French (and originally Latin) word for "kind" or "class".

The term is widely used in literary theory and media theory to refer to a distinctive type of text.

Sub Genres

Barry Keith Grant (1995) - Within genres there are sub-genres which allows music to have the same basic elements, but different components.

Genres are divided up into more specific categories that allow audiences to identify them specifically by their familiar and what become recognisable characteristics.

Steve Neale (1995) - "Genres are not 'systems', they are processes of systematization" i.e. they are dynamic and evolve over time.All genres will have similar mise-en-scene which helps us identify what genre the song is allocated to.

Jason Mittell (2001) - Genres are cultural categories that surpass the boundaries of media texts and operate within the industry, audience and cultural practices as well

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