A2 Final Production Frankie Pearl - Dog Days Are Over


Final Digipak

Final Album Promotional Poster

Final Album Promotional Poster
Media Evaluation, Question 4

Tuesday, 11 January 2011

We have been filming some shots of the bad times, when she is with her boyfriend. We have been trying to get them fighting , and practised this many times to make it look as realistic as possible. I like the contrast of the overpowering male and the weaker female. However, I feel that when they're fighting she maybe needs to show a little more srength as the feable womna seen in these shots is a complete contrast with the stronger and more confident woman we see running away towards the end.The running away shots we have filmed from the boot of a car.After showing these shots to our Teachers and other classes we have feedback to show that the shot of Eleanor running straight towards the camera is our best, the line of the building in the background being constant whilst moving away in a straight line seems to be a professional shot.(1.31)

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