A2 Final Production Frankie Pearl - Dog Days Are Over


Final Digipak

Final Album Promotional Poster

Final Album Promotional Poster
Media Evaluation, Question 4

Tuesday, 8 February 2011


When faced with the dilema of how to make our digipack more exciting, dynamic, and overall fitting with our genre I decided that the lighting would make a huge impact. From researching other Artists covers I decided to experiment simply with the lighting to see what creates the desired impact. I think like we should show her as a powerful, beautiful yet also vulnerable woman.

Idea.1 Is to have the lighting pointing down as though she is above it. I like the way it would make her look powerful and very strong. However, I feel like this lacks the vulnerability and innocence of the woman in the song. It makes me look "hard-skinned" which is not the look I think we should go for.

The Second Lighting position was to have the light straight onto her face, although slightly pointing downwards. I love this because you can still see the eyes giving her a stronger, and harder, more powerful look. However, she still looks quite vulnerable because of the light on the face, I think showing almost expressing a "my lips are sealed" kind of attitude. This can be executed in full body aswell which is another good factor as
we want to use the dress Rachel made for us.

This photo is another light on the face, but it is not as good because the light is directly on the face. Compared with the above photo it does not portray strength or even vulnerability. It just doesn't look right!

I like this idea of her looking into the light, as though she is looking into the future, fitting in very well with our concept in our Music Video. Again this is a shot which can be done on a full body photo/shot. The idea of her smiling is also nice, it represents the happier times and parts of our Video and concept as a whole.

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