A2 Final Production Frankie Pearl - Dog Days Are Over
Thursday, 5 May 2011
Tuesday, 3 May 2011
Sunday, 10 April 2011
School Viewing and Audience Feedback
We had a school showing of our video and asked everyone to write a few comment about it after, our main feedback was that they liked the fighting scenes, and in particular the shot where she ran away from her 'boyfriend'.
These are some example of comments we got as our feedback;
- "Loved the running shots"
- "Favourite part was the jumping in the rain shot"
- "The lighting is used very effectively, favorite part was when she swung back and the sunlight his the camera."
- "My favourite part was the stop animation of the daffodils before happiness"
We also conducted an interview, with Rachel as seen in the video above, this gives some more detailed feedback about our video.
Thursday, 7 April 2011
Final Final DigiPack
Wednesday, 6 April 2011
Monday, 4 April 2011
Altering my Digipack
I'm messing around with a print screen of the final production to possibly use as my inside photo for the CD case.
Here I have boosted the colour, then matteified the whole photo, meaning i could choose any colour for the outside edges, as you can see I have used a dark grey, I think this is effective as throughout the whole process we are trying to show a contrast.
I edited photo 2 to make the color stand out more, and then I added an effect to soften the edges, i used Picasa for this. I love the way its turned out, I think it is really dramatic.
However, when adding it to my final digipack it i did not look right at all, the two spotlights didn't work well together at all as one was mainly green and one mainly orange, this is leading me to perhaps change my overall digipack.
Sunday, 3 April 2011
Final DigiPack
I have decided to change the background of my digipack to fit in more with the front cover, including a spotlight and the same dress. This creates a synergy not with the music video but with the front cover. I like this because we are showing a different side to the artist, a more conventional and down to earth artist, than one who is just singing in a natural setting all outdoors.
This is Photo.1 that I might use as the background, I like this as you can see all of her body which is different from the front cover but also ties in, as it is taken from the same day and with the spotlight, in the same style as the front.
This is the Photo.2 that I may use as the back of my Digipack. This is not so appealing to me because of the more blurry image, but she has her hands down by her side which makes the pose better than photo 1.
Saturday, 2 April 2011
Sunday, 20 March 2011
Wednesday, 16 March 2011
Stop Animation
We wanted some stop animation into our music video, and so we went out to practise with stop animation. As we have already tried to film the sunrise many times we thought we could possibly make the sun out of some petals or flowers.
We have decided to just use the two flowers at 0.09seconds, we would also like to possibly has a fast sunrise comeing up or possibly as a stop animation for the opening of our video.
Monday, 14 March 2011
Sunday, 13 March 2011
Saturday, 12 March 2011
Friday, 11 March 2011
New Shots!
We have used our footage from what we filmed on Wednesday to make our Music Video More professional. Here are a few print screens of the shots.
This is our opening shot, and it is her lying on the ground singing 'Happiness hit her like a train on a track'. We chose this shot because we feel it creates synergy with our digipack Cover (below). It is also good because we can see her midshot and focus on the lip syncing rather than movement, which is a key part to our grade.
These shots we have used to show the sun, the sun is what we hope to start our Music Video so we want to display it as much as possible throughout.
We love this shot because we can see the lines of the train track and Elle who is playing the girl running from her past. I love this sky as it is a cloudy day yet the sun is overtaking the cloudy sky here. This is symbolism of the Dog Days being over for the protagonist.
This is a shot of Eleanor jumping, again displaying the sun, this is to show innocence, not only does the sun do that by creating a time of day where things are in the light. But also Her Jumping is a free and childish thing to do, again symbolising her happiness and newly found freedom.
For this shot I am sitting on a swing and eleanor is sitting on my lap, we have got some lovely shots from it, where the sun is beaming from her shoulder with the trees behind her, still keeping the same mise en scene but display freedom through the use of movement (as if she is flying in a way) sunlight (innocence) and just the freedom of her movement, even with her hair.
Today we have been editing our final production and inserting what we hope will be the final shots.
We have used variations of shots, such as close ups to full lengths, ones displaying lots of movement and ones where she is simply lying on the floor. We have discussed this and decided that as the song builds up as should the editing pace. This is what we did today.
We realise that the editing on the first chorus is going to need to be sharper and more choppy. We will take this into account when we next edit on Monday.
Wednesday, 9 March 2011
Today We Went Filming
It did not go as planned as it was a cloudy day yet again, so we will need to go out and re-film.
Thursday, 3 March 2011
Monday, 28 February 2011
Audience Feedback Questionnaire GRAPHS
We created graphs out of the questionaires we have made. This helps us to see our results more clearly.
We created graphs out of the questionaires we have made. This helps us to see our results more clearly.
Audience Feedback Questionnaire GRAPHS
We put our results from the questionnaire into graphs to help us visualize the results a lot easier.
Monday, 14 February 2011
Changing the Name
The overall rection to my digi pack was good and people said that they liked the idea of my artists signature and the aspect of the sun on the CD. However, some people have said that the didn't like the name 'Frankie Pearl'. I want to keep the 'band' name as the artists full name so have come up with a few other alternatives.
First name;
- Irvana
- Frankie
- Amie
- Marina
- Lydia
- Marlene
- Cheska
Second Names;
- Jones
- Wright
- West
I think I still like Frankie, but would possibly change the second name to 'Frankie West' 'Frankie Jones' or 'Frankie Wright'.
Thursday, 10 February 2011
Back Panal
For my final Photo on the back of my Digipack I will have Eleanor standing in a spotlight with the dress Rachel made on her, this is because this photo isn't very fitting with the front cover of my CD case. We have the image I want on our mac in school but I can not get to it tonight, meaning I will have to finish it tomorrow. I do like this image, i just don't think it looks very professional to have her in a studio on the front and her in a forest on the back of the CD case.
Tuesday, 8 February 2011
Idea 1. on CD design of digipack.
I love this idea, this is a more realistic photo of what i am trying to draw;
Idea.1 Is to have the lighting pointing down as though she is above it. I like the way it would make her look powerful and very strong. However, I feel like this lacks the vulnerability and innocence of the woman in the song. It makes me look "hard-skinned" which is not the look I think we should go for.
The Second Lighting position was to have the light straight onto her face, although slightly pointing downwards. I love this because you can still see the eyes giving her a stronger, and harder, more powerful look. However, she still looks quite vulnerable because of the light on the face, I think showing almost expressing a "my lips are sealed" kind of attitude. This can be executed in full body aswell which is another good factor as
we want to use the dress Rachel made for us.
This photo is another light on the face, but it is not as good because the light is directly on the face. Compared with the above photo it does not portray strength or even vulnerability. It just doesn't look right!
I like this idea of her looking into the light, as though she is looking into the future, fitting in very well with our concept in our Music Video. Again this is a shot which can be done on a full body photo/shot. The idea of her smiling is also nice, it represents the happier times and parts of our Video and concept as a whole.
Improvements To Be Made
After watching and spending time editing our footage I feel we still need to film a couple more things;
- Our Studio Footage
- More coupley times with George and Eleanor rather than just fighting
I think these would add more elements to the video, making it less superficial and would be easier for the audience to watch seeing as the story would make a lot more sense.
Filming Final,
Final Song Choice,
Group Discussions
Studio Idea
We have decided to go with the Studio idea. However, we do not want to do the more obvious studio shots where she is simply singing into a microphone, we want to experiment. The genre we have chosen is Experiemental Pop/Rock, and therefore i feel like this should be shown in our final product.
We are going to use a variation of lights and a big room to film this is, this is where all our lip synching will take place.
When we get there we are going to experiement. Were planning to film on Wednesday 9th Feb
Monday, 7 February 2011
Draft 1
This is our First Draft of our final music video. From editing this we have realised that we need a new location. There are a lot of filler shots including the sky and a lot in the fields and woods, but this is a vauge idea of how our Music Video will look and is taking shape.
Wednesday, 2 February 2011
We tried to do recreate this by using the schools projector system bouncing of a whiteboard and hoping the light would bounce in the right direction, with the right amount of light which it did not. After playing with various ways to do this we found that it is not a good way to get this effect.
We have now found a few adjustable lights which we are going to aim on eleanor to try and get the effect. However we are yet to do so.
Tuesday, 1 February 2011
Studio Scene/Shots?
After a group discussion today of where to go next we have concluded that we are going to add in a new location. This is because our music video is not really making much sense at the moment. Our ideas of new locations are;
- A Bedroom - This is to show a woman alone in a safe place where she is singing and this would be the main lip synching place. The Bedroom would be very minimilistic and lonely.
- A Studio - This is to add a more obvious place, fitting with the conventions of a music video. Here we would experiment a lot with lighting, framing and composition and objects to try and get the most interesting shots possible
- A Road - Here she would be walking down the street, this would be the linking of the sadder times on the rooftop to the happier and free times in the forest. This would be good to have because it would show a clear link in the story as well as having all lip synchin there to add to the music video feel.
Monday, 31 January 2011
Thursday, 13 January 2011
Size and Dimensions of a Digipack
A Digipack is the CD and the CD case for an album or single.
Each CD case follows a criteria for the same shape and size, so that it's easier to stock and display, also so that CDs are more universal. These Measurements are;
"4 panel 1 CD Digipak with tube pocket. Tray on right. 5.53" X 0.25" X 5"
I have downloaded this Digipack template to use as an outline for my own Digipack i will make eventually.
Tuesday, 11 January 2011
We have been filming some shots of the bad times, when she is with her boyfriend. We have been trying to get them fighting , and practised this many times to make it look as realistic as possible. I like the contrast of the overpowering male and the weaker female. However, I feel that when they're fighting she maybe needs to show a little more srength as the feable womna seen in these shots is a complete contrast with the stronger and more confident woman we see running away towards the end.The running away shots we have filmed from the boot of a car.After showing these shots to our Teachers and other classes we have feedback to show that the shot of Eleanor running straight towards the camera is our best, the line of the building in the background being constant whilst moving away in a straight line seems to be a professional shot.(1.31)
Audience Feedback,
Filming Final,
Practise Shots
Saturday, 8 January 2011
This is what we filmed on the rainy day of 7th January 2011. We edited and put it together to try and make sense with the song and story. The Lip Synching is very hard to put exactly to the song and takes a lot of time and almost perfect editing to do.
This is a shot we have used from our practise, we used Akua first and now we're using eleanor as the real person in our video.
This is me filming Eleanor while she's lip synching on the rooftop. It was a very rainy day so afterwards we decided to film her jumping from the edgge into puddle this looks very effective,and also signifies the freedom the girl is gaining.
Framing and Composition
In this shot we have also used the Rule of Thirds as you can see Eleanor is standing on where one of the lines would be, creating an interesting focal point fto draw your eyes to.
Sunday, 2 January 2011
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